Proficiency Testing Providers
A facility must be fully conversant and comply with the relevant standards and criteria to be accredited. The standards, specific criteria and related documents for the SAC accreditation are as below:
Standards and Criteria Document for PTP
ISO/IEC 17043:2010 (Conformity Assessment – General Requirements for proficiency testing)
SAC 01 - 16 Feb 2020: Terms and Conditions for Accreditation
SAC 02 - 22 Jan 2020: Rules for Use of SAC Accreditation Marks and MRA Marks
SAC Guidance 01 - 02 April 2018: Guidelines on Code of Ethics
PTP 001 - 15 May 2018: Requirements for the Application of ISO/IEC 17043 Site Settings
PTPFM03 – 1 Aug 2024: Proficiency Testing Providers Assessment Checklist